Content Objective: Students will analyze data from fruit fly crosses of red and sepia eyes collected by Biology students.
When implemented: Students will be introduced to this project at the conclusion of our genetics unit as a form of independent practice of the skills they have been taught. This will illustrate how predicted outcomes of genetic crosses using punnett squares model real life data.
Tools used: Edmodo to communicate info between myself and the students, as well as peer-peer communication. Could also use this to find other classrooms across the world that would like to share data - maybe couple with Skype???; Google Docs for data collection spreadsheets & creating presentations.
Description: Students will set up a cross between first generation flies that have red eyes to determine second generation outcomes. This will give them the information necessary to determine the genotype of each generation. Students will use Google Docs to record data into spreadsheets that can be shared with me, each other, and other classes both in our school and outside of it. Presentations of the findings can be made in Google Docs as well.
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