1. I want my students to know about digital communication and how to make appropriate choices when communicating with others in the digital world. I also want them to know about digital security and how to protect their computers and themselves against viruses & surges. I believe it important to teach digital etiquette since people tend to feel braver and say things they wouldn't to someone's face when they are hidden in the virtual world.
2. I can see myself using NetsSmartz videos to introduce internet safety to my students. Based on what I saw, these videos would put some reality to the horror stories you hear about and students will probably relate better if it comes from someone their own age and not a nagging mom or teacher!
3. I would probably use some of these same videos to teach digital citizenship.
4. I think I would consider sharing this information on digital citizenship with my students' parents through a letter sent home and maybe a link on my website.
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